Saturday, August 30, 2008

"We'll Get There When We Get There!"

Despite what the handbook might say, Chris Goldman is not Chris Green. Chris Green looks like Donny Osmond, while Goldman resembles Keiffer Sutherland - at least according to Goldman.

Chris relates himself to Mr. Incredible as a superhero. The before Mr. Incredible. The one who can't quite get the belt around his waist. It's not a pretty picture being a superhero who doesn't use their super powers. Christ points out that, in fact, if you are given a spiritual gift that you do not use, you will lose it; it will be taken from you.

That is a profound, impacting thought. A spiritual gift is not about just using the personality preferences or physical talents with which you were born. A spiritual gift is being given something by the Lord for which you are not necessarily wired. It is the shy twenty-something finding that she has something important to teach the ladies of her church. It may be the boisterous teenager discovering that he is drawn to praying fervently for his friends. It is the choir member finding that not only can he sing well, but he now can lead others into a place of worship.

So I am led to ask: What gifts have I been given by the Lord which I am not using? A gift needs to be respected and utilized and handled with care. If one can't handle the responsibility of a spiritual gift, then one shouldn't (or won't) be blessed with such. But it's not hopeless. Now that I can identify a spiritual gift in my own life that I have not been using well, I will pray for strength, insight, and direction regarding this particular gift. And I will hope that it finds roots in me again.

What about you?
Do you have spiritual gifts that you are not using? Don't be the before image of Mr. Incredible. That belly hanging out just doesn't look very good.

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